29 October 2010

Bush Tetras = Superfu*&ingsonic

It was Beatlemania for me alloveragain in the guise of Bush Tetras. Ann Magnuson, always gracious and succinct, nailed a perfect intro by including the adjectives "coolest" and "intimidating" before BT lead off with "Boom (in the Night)". The cowbell, the maracas (which sound better as a slide than a real slide), Julia Murphy tranced-out on bass....Pat tosses the maracas down and gets way down with it. She is the white female Hendrix. Always thought so.  Dee is pounding away behind everyone, holding the foundation together. "Are you scared?" dares Cynthia, looking ageless with her blonde tresses. "Yeah!" I screamed, because I was transcended to that other place BT's take me when they are "on". Trust me, they were ON last nite at that Mudd Club/Club 57 reunion last evening at The Delancey. I want more. I'm a good addict. Hope I don't have to wait too long. Namaste BT's. [More photographs in a few days. Please stay tuned.]

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